Discover The History
Explore the rich history of the St. Johns River.


Our books and maps are not intended to be a complete collection of information, however, it contains a number of books that are either self-published or out of print.

A little about Ed Winn since the majority of the books in this section were written by him, Mr. Winn is a friend, lifelong Florida resident who grew up on the river has studied it and written about it for more than 50 years



Arrowsmith Map 1802

Arrowsmith Map 1802

This detail is from an 1802 hand-colored map of North America showing the various explorations and discoveries of the time. The map also indicates territories claimed by France and Spain. Relief shown by hachures.

Asher & Adams Map 1871

Asher & Adams Map 1871

This 1871 map of Florida shows county lines and county seats current to the period, major towns and cities, and railroad routes and stations. The Township and Range survey grid is shown extending from the Tallahassee Base Line and the Tallahassee Meridian (established in 1824) and the fact that much of the Everglades and the Forbes Purchase or Forbes Grant in northern Florida were not surveyed in 1871.

Blair Map 1861

Blair Map 1861

A detail from the 1917 Albert Bushnell Hart series map showing Florida and its status as having seceded from the Union before April 14, 1861. The map shows forts, naval yards, and arsenals in Florida, and whether they were Union or Confederate held facilities.

Bloxham Map 1884

Bloxham Map 1884

This is a map of the state of Florida showing the main line and branches of the International Railroad and Steamship Company of Florida circa 1885. It also shows counties, cities and towns, and inland waters. Section Township Range (STR) is shown.

Bradley Map 1889

Bradley Map 1889

This is a detailed map of Florida showing counties, railroads, cities, inland waters, etc.

Carey Lea & Lucus Map 1822

Carey Lea & Lucus Map 1822

This is a map of Florida in full color by region surrounded by text. Modeled on Le Sage's plan of having explanatory text surrounding the maps. 1st Edition; Fielding Lucas engraved most of the maps. 

Carey Lea Map 1822

Carey Lea Map 1822

This steel engraved map of Florida is a 14" x 12" inset on a lithographed sheet 22" high by 25.5" wide with detailed descriptions of Florida on both sides and bottom. It is a French copy of the Carey and Lea map.

Chart Number 11495

Chart Number 11495

This is the current NAOH river chart for the middle section of the St. John's River. Dated: August 21st, 1990.

Darby Map 1834

Darby Map 1834

This map of Florida was originally published in William Darby's Memoir on the geography and natural and civil history of Florida. This map shows the counties circa 1834.

De Vaste Kust van Chicora Tussen Florida en Virginie 1706

De Vaste Kust van Chicora Tussen Florida en Virginie 1706

Relief shown pictorially/ In Dutch and French. Scale measurement derived from scale bar (1 in. = 50 Milliaria Germanica communia).

Desilver Map 1856

Desilver Map 1856

This is a detailed map of Florida with counties shown and colored. The map states, "Entered according to an act of Congress in the year 1856."

Drayton Map 1827

Drayton Map 1827

This 1827 map shows major rivers, lakes, coastal features, settlements, and roads in Florida. There are only twelve counties shown: Escambia, Walton, Jackson, Washington, Gadsden, Leon, Alachua, Nassau, Duval, St. Johns, Musquito, and Monroe. The Arredondo, Delespines, Mirandas, and Flemings Spanish land grants are shown.

East & West Florida Map 1769

East & West Florida Map 1769

The full title of this map is "The Coast Of West Florida and Louisiana By Thos. Jefferys Geographer to His Majesty. The Peninsula and Gulf of Florida or Channel of Bahama with the Bahama Islands." This is primarily a navigational chart with soundings and rhumblines shown in the gulf and ocean.

European Provinces of North America 1600

European Provinces of North America 1600

A map of eastern North America showing the provinces claimed by various European countries. Spanish Florida is shown stretching from the mouth of the Saint Mary River westward to the Mississippi River to a point north of the Arkansas River near present day Memphis.

Fenner Sears & Co. - Counties of Florida Map 1832

Fenner Sears & Co. - Counties of Florida Map 1832

This is a map of Florida, circa 1832. It shows counties, cities and towns, inland waters and Indian paths. It shows latitude from Greenwich and Washington.

Florida & Apalche Map 1597

Florida & Apalche Map 1597

A hand colored map of Florida and the Southeast Coast of North America, taken from from Wytfliet's Descriptiones Ptolemaicae Augmentum, siue Occidentis Notitia Brevi Commentario. 

Florida Map 1776

Florida Map 1776

This 1776 map was created after the founding of the United States and is titled "The Southern British Colonies - North and South Carolina, Georgia, and East and West Florida." Click on this map to enlarge and reveal remarkable detail. The Florida cartographer was B. Romaine.

Fox Map 1880

Fox Map 1880

Map shows the distribution of population in Florida by the year 1880 C.E. Population differences are indicated by different outlined sections of he state. Regions show population differences from under 2 inhabitants per square mile up to 18 inhabitants per square mile. 

Fox's Cessions of Indian Lands Map 1816-1830

Fox's Cessions of Indian Lands Map 1816-1830

A map of the cession of Native American lands in Florida. By 1823 the majority of the Native American lands had been ceded to the U.S. with a large reserve established in central peninsular Florida. 


Our books and maps are not intended to be a complete collection of information, however, it contains a number of books that are either self-published or out of print.


Oral History

This area is dedicated to the stories and lives of the people who have lived here in Central Florida and contributed to life of the area.

Oral History


Maps that show the Florida of the past and the relevant river paths.
